Episode 117: Making $10K While You're Still Clinical

Join my upcoming webinar: Certified to Sell where I will teach you How to Create a 6-Figure Coaching Business After Rounds happening on April 2nd at 8 PM EST. When you attend the webinar you will be invited to apply for and enroll in Doctor Coach School™, a certification program for women physicians & dentists to learn HOW to make $100K after rounds. Special Bonus: Book your sales call during the live webinar and qualify for a bonus: you will receive a VIP small group intensive where we'll build your roadmap to $100k. Click here to register.



Welcome to another episode of The Doctor Coach School™ Podcast. If you are still working a clinical job and wondering how you can make your first $10K, I break it down for you in this episode. You'll understand how to structure your day for maximum success, as well as the exact strategies to focus on in order to make your first $10,000 in your coaching business.