Episode 123: Because I Became a Doctor Coach

I am recording remotely at a week-long church retreat with my family. The gift of taking time with my family without the stress of taking time off or my children missing school underscored all the fantastic ways my life has changed since becoming a doctor coach.

While most podcast episodes focus on the technical aspects of coaching, today I want to take a different approach. I want to share the personal transformation I've undergone since I made the life-changing decision to coach full-time.

Because I decided to become a doctor coach, my life has changed in many positive and empowering ways. I want to share that journey with you from a place of gratitude and inspiration.

From stepping up as the active and present mother my children need to the freedom of owning my time and limitless travel, becoming a doctor coach has awarded me an incredible life. Learn what inspired me to become a coach and my transformative journey as I reflect on the opportunities and experiences that led me to embrace coaching and entrepreneurship.

​I ​would ​love ​to ​hear ​what ​you ​want ​to ​create ​in ​your ​life ​because ​you ​became ​a ​doctor ​coach. ​So ​go ​to www.​thedoctorcoachschool.com/​certification, there you'll ​learn ​all ​about The Doctor Coach School™ Certification, ​and ​let's ​talk ​about ​your vision ​on a ​call. ​I ​would ​love ​to ​help ​you ​become ​a ​doctor ​coach.